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Yon Theme

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:52 am
by Yon
Simple theme for a custom ARM UI.

It shows class icon, name, total damage done, percent damage done, and then it shows current DPS (avg DPS) peakDPS on the next line. For the person running ARM, you also see godstone damage.

The last line can show experience earned (only for the person running ARM), or damage taken (for everyone).

It's just my initial take on what I wanted to see. I may add more to it at a later date, and I am definitely open to suggestions. I am not aware of how big this community is, but I hope that someone finds this UI style useful.

Preview (app window and also click-through):

It should be noted that, while I personally have it set to be transparent, and also set the app theme to Slate Classico, it should not be forced into either setting by switching to my theme.

Unfortunately, if the player name is long enough, it may start to clip into their total damage line. I wanted to keep the width of the UI style confined into the space that it currently is. Feel free to change it as you see fit.

Damage Taken Option:

Image Image

Experience Earned Option:

Image Image

Basic Info Option:

Image Image

Below is the text for the xml file. If you are looking to use custom ARM UI's, I trust that you know to copy/paste this code into notepad and save it as a .xml file in the directory for ARM UI styles in app data. If you do not know how to do this, please refer to viewtopic.php?f=3&t=100
Click to show:

Code: Select all

	// basic settings
	<ui type="settings" id="YonFirst21684254964054879623547254" uiname="Yon Theme" iconfolder="defaulticons" width="215" height="45" bgColor32="clBlack,255" colorIdle="" colorSlow="clAqua" colorActive="clLime" ForceAlpha="160">
	// switches/config
	<switch name="dmg" desc="Show Damage Received">
	<switch name="exp" desc="Show Exp">
	<switch name="basic" desc="Show Basic Info">

	// Rounded box covering all
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerIsMe" 	  x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clDodgerBlue32,200" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerIsEnemy" x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clPurple32,175" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerIsDefault" x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clLightGray32,200" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerWarning" x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clCrimson32,200" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerGood"      x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clLightGreen32,200" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1">

	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerIsMe" 	  x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clDodgerBlue32,255" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1" FillPercent="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerIsEnemy" x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clPurple32,230" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1" FillPercent="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerIsDefault" x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clLightGray32,155" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1" FillPercent="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerWarning" x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clCrimson32,255" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1" FillPercent="1">
	<ui type="RoundRect" condition="playerGood"      x="1" y="1" x2offset="1" y2offset="1" FillColor32="clLightGreen32,255" OutColor32="clBlack32,50" angle="2" edgeWidth="1" alternateRounding="1" FillPercent="1">

	// Player Name
	<ui type="PlayerName" LimitLength="20" FontName="Segoe UI" FontSize="10" FontStyle="Bold" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="24" y="3" x2offset="13" y2="35" align="left" singleLine="1" shadow="1" shadowColor="clBlack">

    // Dmg and Dps

	<ui type="text" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="100" y="6"  x2offset="6" y2="21" text="$dmg$ [$perc$%]" align="right" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">
	<ui type="text" condition="filtered" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="Italic" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="50" y="19" x2offset="8" y2="34" text="dps n/a" align="right" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">
	<ui type="text" condition="notfiltered" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="50" y="19" x2offset="8" y2="34" text="$dps$ ($avgdps$) $peak$" align="right" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">

    // godstone dmg
	<ui type="text" switch="dmg" condition="Godstone" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="5" y="19" x2="100" y2="34" text="gs: $gsdmg$" align="left" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">
	<ui type="text" switch="exp" condition="Godstone" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="5" y="19" x2="100" y2="34" text="gs: $gsdmg$" align="left" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">
	<ui type="text" switch="basic" condition="Godstone" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="5" y="30" x2="100" y2="45" text="gs: $gsdmg$" align="left" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">
	// Received Damage
	<ui type="text" switch="dmg" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="Bold" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="5" y="30" x2="210" y2="45" text="Damage Taken: $rdmg$" align="left" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">
	// exp
	<ui type="text" switch="exp" condition="PlayerIsME" FontName="Consolas" FontSize="8" FontColor="" FontStyle="Bold" FontAliasing="ClearType" x="5" y="30" x2="210" y2="45" text="Exp Earned: $exp$" align="left" singleline="1" shadow="1" shadowcolor="clBlack">

	// draw class pic
	<ui type="classPic" x="3" y="3">
I would offer a download instead, but I feel it is not needed in this case.

If you decide to modify my theme, please post your modification in this thread. I would love to take a look at it.

Good luck, all.


Re: Yon Theme

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:18 pm
by admin
Nice, although maybe a bit hard on the eyes with black text + black shadows.

No shadow:


Re: Yon Theme

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 8:08 am
by Yon
admin wrote:Nice, although maybe a bit hard on the eyes with black text + black shadows.

No shadow:


Ah, yes. I did notice that, especially with character names. I chose to keep the shadow because on my display it was harder to see without it. Thanks for the input, it is very welcomed. I would have kept white text, but ARM kept displaying it as transparent, which made it very difficult for me to read.